
June: This Month’s #ClientSnapshot

Jun 30, 2024 | Latest News

During the busy summer season, it can be easy to get caught up. But even amongst all the hustle and bustle, it’s essential to pause, take stock, and reflect on your past achievements. Shining a light on your accomplishments as a business will not only reassure clients of your professionalism, reliability, and competence, it will also help drive you forward. Meditating on past milestones and situations in which you overcame challenges will remind you of your resilience, allowing you to better face down anything that stands in your way!

At In1 Solutions, we like to lead by example. We’re in the thick of a busy gift card season but couldn’t possibly forgo our monthly #ClientSnapshot blog post. It’s tradition! And a special one at that. Let’s get into this month’s updates. We’ll keep it short and sweet, as we know our clients in the Northern Hemisphere are especially busy at this sunny time of year.


New client: Floritz, Dublin, Ireland

Welcome to Floritz, a restaurant for the adventurous, in a house built by an adventurer. The son of an 18th century tenant farmer left Ireland to seek fortune. The journey took him to India and the Far East before his return to 22 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin. Here, global influences combine to create a menu that reflects that adventurer’s experience.

Prepare for a spectacular dining experience in the heart of the city. Click here to purchase a voucher for a truly sparkling experience.


Social media update: Instagram Refresh

Our partners, The Brand Mix, are masters of all things digital, including social media. Their Instagram has recently undergone some updates and rebranding to even better reflect the needs and wants of our clients. This even includes a new handle! If you’re the kind of marketer who loves to be in-the-know, there’s no better place to get the latest digital marketing and gift card updates than The Brand Mix Instagram. Pop on over and hit “Follow”. Who knows? You may even gain early access to privileged information and exclusive gift card offers.


New campaign: Summer Postcard Series

If you’re already following us on our social platforms, i.e., Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram, you’ll have spotted the first couple of instalments of our Summer Postcard Series. We won’t give too much away, but the goal of the campaign is to help guide In1 Solutions clients in their quest to maximise gift card sales. Especially in a season that can yield such incredible results for hotels, restaurants, and adventure experience providers. Keep an eye on our socials, as there’s plenty more helpful posts to come.


To set up your very own bespoke gifting platform, contact us on We’ll be in touch within one business day to arrange a meeting. Our gifting platform is the perfect fit for accommodation providers, hotel groups, restaurants, retailers, large shopping malls, furniture stores, adventure experience outlets, and more.

This monthly blog series was first inspired by our 2023 #ClientSpotlight series over on LinkedIn. If you’re not already receiving updates from us, head over to The Brand Mix and In1 Solutions LinkedIn pages or sign up to our newsletter by clicking the orange tab on the lefthand side of our website.